1.7 Level Instrumentation

Level InstrumentsLink

1.7.1 Level Detection:Link

In some circumstances it may be advantageous to install a level probe with the iFUEL® Mobile Unit.

On J7 of the iFUEL® Mobile I/O, install the probe power to pin 1, and the signal return to pin 2. You will need a comprehensive detailed strapping table to ensure the level probe provides an accurate level measurement.

To enable, make sure the configuration file on the SD card shows:


For probe information, please call the iFUEL® Mobile representative for more information on (07) 3204 2240

1.7.3 4-20mA systemLink

Use a commercially available instrument with a 4-20mA output.

1.7.4 Remote Level MonitoringLink

This requirement is best satisfied with an online tank gauging solution. iFUEL® Mobile does not provide a real time tank level, just the level from the last dispensing event. For these applications we would supply an online realtime ATG, that provides an output to iFUEL® Mobile.

1.7.5 Local Level MonitoringLink

iFUEL® Mobile does not provide a panel that shows the tank level. The data is stored in our web console and not presented to the App User.

1.7.6 Fuel tank AuditLink

Never recommended:

A fuel tank is not like a bank account. If 1000L is credited into the tank, it is not possible to take out 1000L and have 0L remaining. Tanks are designed such that they are not typically emptied. They always have some left. Tanks change in size over time, and the precision on any level measurement device is unsatisfactory to give such accurate detail. Even a cheap pulse meter will produce approximately 100 pulses per L of fuel, thats every 10mL. For a typical above ground tank of 30,000L 1mm of height represents over 10L of fuel. Tank dipsticks and strapping tables can be out as much as 510%. If you take a reading before and after you double this error potential thats 10-20 error in the level according to a dip stick. The customer will then compare the measurement that is out by thousands of litres and comparing it to a measurement from another device that is accurate to a one thousandth of a litre. The readings will never be the same.