2.5 Resistors

Pull up/Pull down ResistorsLink

iFUEL® Mobile has been designed with digital logic gates in the form of IC's and Micro controllers and contains "pins" that need to be correctly set for the pulse meters. Certain combinations of the pull up and pull down resistors can improve meter performance. If expected results are not sufficient, implement a combination to reach the desired result.

The main switches that iFUEL® Mobile utilises are reed switches and hall switches.

Reed SwitchLink

If odd behavior is detected or low quality signal/noise from the meter output, a combination of pullup and pulldown resistors can be used. This can enhance the performance of the switch in question. A standard configuration can be found on the standard wiring guide

Click here for more information on reed switches.

Hall effect sensorLink

The Pullup and Pulldown resistors can interfere with the Hall effect process, and small changes may be required to reach peak performance of the sensor. This can be done by implementing a combination of pull up and pull down resistors to reach the desired results.

Click here for more information on Hall effect sensors.

For any questions, please contact us here or call (07) 3204 2240