2.4 Meter Wiring
There are several types of meters compatible with iFUEL Mobile.
Always install meters with sheilded wiring.
Meter vendors usually publish a kFactor in the format of Pulses per Litre. (ie 39 for Piusi meaning 39 pulses for each Litre dispensed)
To establish the iFUEL Mobile kFactor divide 1/39 to get 0.025641.
This value will be needed during installation and at the time of commissioning.
Where possible notify the iFUEL Team prior to installation
and we'll be sure to have the right kFactor data preloaded where possible.2.4.1 Macnaught MetersLink
We have had superior results with MX range of meters.
Most Macnaught meters and registers come with Pulse, or Hall Effect as:
- Either Of
- Both Of
- Dual
Where odd behavior is detected or low quality signal/noise from the meter output, it may need to use a combination of the pullup/pulldown resistors built into the iFUEL® Mobile design.
Macnaught kFactorsLink
To calculate the iFUEL® Mobile kFactor simply divide 1 by the published figure and enter the resulting kFactor to 6 decimal places.
In our experience Macnaught meters (although more expensive) will provide a much lower total cost as they rarely require additional calibration from the factory settings. Each Macnaught meter is calibrated after manufacture and the calibration certificate supplied.
2.4.3 Wiring GuideLink
2.4.4 Flomec MetersLink
Flomec meters may also present as GPI branded meters.
2.4.5 Gespasa MetersLink
We have had limited success with Gespasa meters at this point and until further integration testing they are not recommended or supported.
2.4.6 Liquip MetersLink
Liquip meters are mostly found on bulk dispensing pumps such as Ebs Ray, Alfons Haar etc.
You will generally find they are used in mobile applications but sometimes in large off-road refuelling facilities such as mines, tank farms and for very large machinery refueling.
iFUEL® Mobile integrates positively with these meters where an operator can actuate the pump via the iFUEL® Mobile relay.
2.4.7 DFV100 MeterLink
The meter needs to have the output pulse connected, prior to calibration by the Liquip authorised agent.
2.4.8 Older generation Liquip MetersLink
When retrofitting to older models there should be a juntion box where the pulse output can be found, this however depends on the original installation.
2.4.9 Piusi MetersLink
Piusi meters utilise Reed effect, in 2 wire format.
Piusi K24, Turbinox, K600, K900 and variants use a brown and blue wire. We have several units running with these meters.
Where a secondary Piusi Display is in use, the meter output will not be available. A secondary pulse out from the display must be used and additional wiring may be required.
If any inconsistencies arise in the performance of the reed switch, utlise the pullup and pulldown resistor jumpers to clean up the signal. Jumper positionsLink
Jumpers can be purcahsed from many sources. Jaycar part number HM3240.
2.4.10 Meter PerformanceLink
Poor meter performance may include: - Wildly inconsistent pulse counts - over stated volume calculations - poor repeatability
These issues are mostly caused by floating signals, or poor power supply to the meter.
In most cases, try the pull up or pull down resistor. If that fails, try the combination.
See image above in section 2.4.9 for jumper locations.
2.4.11 Adams G-Flow MetersLink
Adams G-Flow meters are a polar reed switch system. They must be wired correctly to perform with iFUEL Mobile units.
Meter Wire | iFUEL Mobile |
None - Excluded | J5 Pin 1 |
White - Reed Signal | J5 Pin 2 |
Brown - Reed GND | J5 Pin 3 |
Adams G-Flo meter requires the same Jumpers as a Piusi meter. See image above - Piusi Jumper Positions
iFUEL Jumpers | State |
SK-5 | Required |
SK-6 | Open - None |
SK-7 | Required |
2.4.12 Other Meters & Further SupportLink
We can and will test other meter integrations only where our technical team can access the hardware units for testing.
Alternatively you can lone or provide free issue samples to the iFUEL® Mobile team for evaluation and testing. Costs may apply.