1.4 E-Stop Integration

E-Stop IntegrationLink

iFUEL® Mobile recommends an E-Stop for all installations. To comply with fuel storage regulations an E-Stop is mandatory in many situations. In many commercial applications (ie construction sites)they are also specified by the project manager or site operator.

There are 2 Estop channels. They can be used together or separately. One is Normally Open (NO), the other Normally Closed (NC). This is provided as some installation require different logic to operate, or may require integration to other alarm panels and control circuits.


NO/NC Switches must be used. iFUEL® Mobile’ E-Stop enables immediate pump shut down, without de-powering the iFUEL® Mobile unit itself keeping all relevant data stored and intact.

1.4.1 Option 1:Link

Use of Estop Channel 1 is for a single pole switch and can be integrated to other E-Stop controls. With Channel 1 in use, iFUEL® Mobile recommends maintaining power to the pump.

1.4.2 Option 2:Link

Use of Estop Channel 2 allows the same functionality of Ch 1 with the added benefit of isolating the pump power. Its designed for use with a double pole switch with both NO/NC states.

To enable either option make sure the Configuration file on the SD card shows: STOP1SW_Inst=1 ESTOP2SW_Inst=0


1.4.3 Other Configurations:Link

Do Not install an Estop to the mains inlet power on the iFUEL® Mobile unit. This will lead to unexpected behavior, performance issues and possible electrical failure. Use of a mains based Estop's will invalidate the iFUEL® Mobile warranty.


Consider the local electrical regulations and guidelines when installing Emergency Stops.